The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124239   Message #2743284
Posted By: CarolC
11-Oct-09 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: History of US radical religious right
Subject: RE: BS: History of US radical religious right
Ironically, the content in the video in the opening post is mostly not about Jews, although that might be difficult to discern if the content of the thread was taken as an indication.

For those who can't view the video, it's about dominionist theology and politics, and the history of the more radical Christian movements in the US over the past few decades, and also how some of those movements fully intend to take over the government of this country on a permanent basis. They thought they had already accomplished this during the GW Bush presidency. People can read more about it by Googling "Republican Gomorrah".

It also discusses some of the psychology behind the more extreme right wing radical religious thought.