The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124184   Message #2743332
Posted By: Royston
11-Oct-09 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: Stop the English Defence League
Subject: RE: Stop the English Defence League

You might want to start a thread about your islamophobia problems because in this context it amounts to 'well, I don't agree with the EDL, but...' or in the alternative 'I'm not a racist, but...'

I'm not aobut to start justifying the barbaric things that happen in countries that are essentially about 500 or more years behind us in history. But I challenge you to go and find me evidence of a woman stoned to death. Go on, try it. You will find that in fact you are repeating other people's lies.

I've been to 'chop chop' square and I've seen an amputation. It is am incredibly rare event because for some strange reason few people steal. If you drop your wallet in Saudi you can relax. It will find it's way back to you before the day is out. But it's the same in most mid east countries including those with less draconian laws. What does that tell us about Muslims?

It's only thirty years since we stopped hanging innocent people for a sense of 'justice seen to be done'. The Americans have the most barbaric system of prisons and of state murder of the innocent and mainly black citizens and they have doctor-murdering religious zealots who call themselves Christian. Should that tell us something about Americans or about us?

So because some countries might be regarded as 'barbaric', you should not allow a hint of 'but' to come into a discussion about protecting our peaceful individual muslim citizens, partners and colleagues from a group of violent football hooligans.