The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124167   Message #2743341
Posted By: greg stephens
11-Oct-09 - 05:21 AM
Thread Name: Recordings of Shallow Brown?
Subject: RE: Recordings of Shallow Brown?
Well, I really want to see this movie. Never even heard of it, I must find a copy. Percy Grainger said once: "The worth of my music will never be guessed or its value to mankind felt, until the approach to it is consciously undertaken as a pilgrimage to sorrows." Given that, no wonder he fell on Shallow Brown like a wolf on a lamb, and arranged it with such extraordinary concentration and power. Shallow Brown does misery, sorrow and the endless sweep of the sea the better than any song I know; it's nice to find out(as I have only in the last few days)that Grainger was of the same mind!
    I've worshipped this song myself, since I first heard it in a pub, too. The Ship in Blaxhall, and the singer was Steve Danby. I can remember the intensity of the experience of hearing it with total clarity, and it was thirty years ago.