The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124239   Message #2744527
Posted By: Bobert
12-Oct-09 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: History of US radical religious right
Subject: RE: BS: History of US radical religious right
Well, Alice, yeah... But if there wasn't so much money in politics I doubt if the C Street Cult would exist... I mean, where is the Christ in what they have done... Nowhere...

I think we need to keep in mind that George Bush wrote the book on faking being a man of Faith... Faith my ass!!! George Bush is/was no more a Christain than I am an astronuat... No, what his daddy did was send the little coke-head weizel into the South to organize, ahhhh, Christain voters... So waalaa, the coke-head weizel becomes a Christain??? Want to buy a bridge???

The Republican Party is the most un-Christ party that I can think of... They do not support Christ-like postions... No, they ***use*** Christianity and Christains with a great deal of distain and disrespect... They work rednecks up into a lather over seinseless stuff... Hey, wee saw them last month at the town mettings... These folks would probably say they are strong Christains... Bullshit... Christ would have run them all off... Yeah, Jesus didn't happen to like folks using the temples to do business but that is exactly what the Republicans have done... The Southern churches and their members have become a major funding source for the Republican Party...

No, this thing is all about money... And ways that Republicans can continue their heathenous ways while mascarading as, ahhh, Christains wjile laughing up their sleeves at the dumb ignorant folks who really do have some core beliefs but are too ignorant to know that they are being used...

C Street was nothin but a training center for phony politicans to hone up on their phony Christianity... No, it was more... It was a place for these liars to shack up with their mistresses... My bad...

Jesus would have burned the joint to the ground...
