The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124273   Message #2744971
Posted By: Joe Offer
13-Oct-09 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Bible prophecy
Subject: RE: Bible prophecy
Doug Chadwick, I Googled and found several examples of your Thor poem, but didn't find more - are there other verses? It's a kick!

I've often said that fundamentalist Christianity is the State Religion of the US - even atheists see religion in fundamentalist terms, and then reject it. But many religious people aren't concerned with the doctrinaire, "I have the truth and you don't" view of religion. These others see religion as an exploration, as more about asking and exploring questions than it is about possessing and controlling the 'Truth.' Most of the major religions were founded on some form of the Golden Rule ("do unto others") and a seeking of some power greater than the members themselves. As time went on, many adherents took the easy (mindless) path and turned to a fundamentalist obsession with possession of Truth and condemnation of all who did not share their Truth. But if you look into mysticism, you'll find that the mystics of all religions are remarkably similar in their gentleness and open-mindedness, and that all are quite different from the fundamentalist stereotype.
