The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124344   Message #2745685
Posted By: Desert Dancer
14-Oct-09 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: 50 Great Voices-all genres- NPR
Subject: RE: 50 Great Voices-all genres- tell NPR who
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The NPR story is here, with a link to an "audio slideshow" (2 minutes of audio & video), featuring the following as examples:

Celia Cruz
Aretha Franklin
Robert Plant
Marion Williams
Youssou N'Dour
Edith Piaf
Franco Corelli

You can post your nominations to the web site as a comment to the story above, or write to

As of this morning, there are more than 2500 comments on the story. They're going to have a good time working on this one!

For me, a good candidate is Roscoe Holcomb: as Bob Dylan said, "Roscoe Holcomb has a certain untamed sense of control, which makes him one of the best." He's the original inspiration for the term "high lonesome sound".

~ Becky in Tucson