The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24188   Message #274572
Posted By: GUEST,Sailor Dan at work
09-Aug-00 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Pincushion; shaped like a tomato
Subject: RE: Pincushion; shaped like a tomato

I found my keys, hanging in the bathroom, I found my glasses in the pantry, Mortica has my limes and if she looks close she probably has the vegetable draw also, its missing. The Vodka is half full, but now the tonic is missing and so is the Guinness and OUCH I just sat on the damn tomatoe with its pins.

I just threw the damn tomatoe out the window and it hit a Kat in the butt. Last seen it was headed west yowling for it mom and it wasnt laughing.

Boo Hoo (with tears) I just aint havin a good day. Boo Hoo (with more tears)

Sailor DAn