The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124388   Message #2747367
Posted By: Janie
18-Oct-09 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Barry Finn (16 Oct 2009)
Subject: RE: Obit: Barry Finn (16 Oct 2009)
I posted the following to Barry's Facebook page:

"Barry, when I showed up with Dani at my first Getaway I had not sung with people, and rarely by myself, for almost 20 years, and had never been on Mudcat. Your kindness and encouragement of me and many others over the years, to let ourselves sing, and join our voices in song together, was a gift beyond measure. You were ever a passionate champion of social justice, and of me when I waded into the fray on Mudcat threads about poverty, mental illness, and disability. One of the few there who I knew knew the realities and respected the lives, struggles and resiliency of folks just trying to survive. At my own low points when I have wondered about the efficacy of my life as a social worker, you offered validation and an occasional kick in the pants to keep me going. The tears are starting to flow again....You are not gone, you live in the hearts and minds of so many...."