The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124388   Message #2747395
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Oct-09 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Barry Finn (16 Oct 2009)
Subject: RE: Obit: Barry Finn (16 Oct 2009)
That's the way I felt about his postings on politics and social justice, too, Janie. Meaning nothing but compliments, one of my first thoughts was Mudcat has lost its "Barney Franks," i.e. most ardent, outspoken champion of just folks...the downtrodden, etc. What I loved about Barry, the Far Left of Liberal which he called himself, was just that and that he never, ever backed down and always called it like he saw it which was the way I usually saw it, too. When I felt I'd lost my writing voice for such frays, he was always there. Recently I was so taken with one of his postings, I teased him about falling in love. I teased him early on in this thread, too, when it sounded as if he was okay.

I saw him singing for the first time this year when various videos were put on youtube. I had heard how amazing he was, but nothing prepared me for the impact of that smallish body opening up that incredible FULL sound..and him being so completely into it. I regret I never had a chance to meet him and sing even a smidgen with him.

My deepest condolences to Justine and family as well as to their friends and to all of our Mudcat family.

Friend now our meeting is over
Friend we must part,
And if I never see you any more
I will love you in my heart.

And we'll land on the shore
Yes, we'll land on the shore
And, we'll land on the shore
And be safe forever more.

Fare well, Barrydarlin'
