The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124239   Message #2749535
Posted By: Mrrzy
21-Oct-09 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: History of US radical religious right
Subject: RE: BS: History of US radical religious right
I'm not a marketing psychologist, what is that?

I am a *cognitive* psychologist who worked in marketing analysis for years. That means I studied how the brain works - in particular, how the brain of bilinguals process one language at a time. That required actual hard science, quantifying the unquantifiable. Then I used my statistical skills in analyzing revenue streams for law school publications. I may have written letters to law school faculty describing how our books were better than the competition's, but that's about as far as my "manipulation" went. I have no *clinical* training, and do not do therapy, other than as a patient.

And I ask again (note - not telling), what rational, data-based reason -any reason- can you come up with to back up any belief that there needs to be any supernatural explanation for any natural phenomenon, including the existence of human life on this planet? And again, by data, I mean scientific, experimental, replicable manipulable data - not "well the world is beautiful and that's evidence" non-data.

I am not, again, saying that there is evidence *that there are no* gods. Please, CarolC, answer the actual question, instead of going off on imaginary tangents about my professional life.

Oh, oops, on rereading, you have completely agreed with me again, without admitting it:
They have only demonstrated that belief in the existence of those things is not based on rationality or science.

Exactly. Faith is faith-based, and not rational. So why do you keep arguing against that position? That's what I've been saying all along.