The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124239   Message #2749742
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
21-Oct-09 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: History of US radical religious right
Subject: RE: BS: History of US radical religious right
All this discussion about the distinction between atheism and agnosticism calls to mind Les Barker's contribution. (And here's the man himself on YouTube proclaiming the Gospel of Uncertainty. Comes after he's given the Shipping Forecast.):

Brothers and sisters;
I speak to you today in the Church of the Wholly Undecided;
I wanna hear you say "Yeah!"
I wanna hear you say "No!"

We are gathered here together,
Sister side by side with brother,
To proclaim we are Agnostic;
Don't know one way or the other.

In this, we won't be shaken,
Though hard the winds may blow;
In doubt we are united
And we cry: "We do not know!"

Brothers and sisters;
I wanna hear you say "Eeeeeeaaaahhhh!"
I wanna hear you say "There are two sides to this, you know!"

We hold no fear of persecution,
It pains us not to be derided
As we stand here in the Church
Of the Wholly Undecided.

Oh my brothers and my sisters,
I know I speak for you
When I say we know for certain
That we haven't got a clue.

Brothers and sisters;
I wanna hear you say "It's beyond my comprehension!"
I wanna hear you say "Well, it's a bugger, isn't it?"

I believe that some believe
Just their beliefs are true,
Though I believe what they believe
I don't believe I do

O my friends, be ye contented,
For ignorance is bliss;
We stand foursquare behind our message
And we don't know what it is.

Brothers and sisters;
I wanna hear you say "I am not a sheep!"
I wanna hear you say "I will not mindlessly do everything I am told!"

We know that we don't know,
So let our vision still be pure;
We are Agnostic Fundamentalists;
We're fundamentally unsure.

Peace, my sisters and my brothers;
The Agnostic does not smite;
We are tolerant of others;
There's a chance they might be right.

Brothers and sisters;
I wanna hear you say "Death to nobody whatsoever!"
I wanna hear you say "The infidel might have a good point, you know!"