The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124507   Message #2750074
Posted By: theleveller
22-Oct-09 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anti BNP songs
Well, here's a song I wrote after the BNP won their EU seat in Hull & East Riding. It struck me as ironic that Hull should be the birthplace of William Wilberforce who worked so hard to end the slave trade. It's aimed at my fellow voters in East Yorks. Sorry I haven't recorded it yet so can't give you the tune - feel free to add one if you wish.

The Legacy

In Hull, William Wilberforce first struck the spark
That kindled a beacon which lit up the dark
And as the flames soared it was clear to see:
The message that men must be equal and free.

So keep it alive, now, keep it alive,
William's legacy has to survive.
Freedom's hard-won so don't let it die
Use your voices and votes to stamp out the lies.

Today there are those who would put out Will's flame
And put our traditions and values to shame.
If you're black or you're brown, or a leftie, or gay,
Get out of our country, you're not welcome, they say.


Now they don't have shaved heads, they wear collars and ties
But the cold light of hatred still shines in their eyes
And instead of the boot they use soft words and smile
But the message they peddle is equally vile.


They may think their views have legitimacy
And the Queen may invite them to join her for tea
But let's stand together and blow on Will's flame
And shout to these bastards: "Not in my name!"


So good people of Hull and the East Riding towns
Don't let these bigots and fascists gain ground.
We've opened the door to their doctrine of hate
Now let's slam it again before it's too late.
