The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124499   Message #2751405
Posted By: SharonA
23-Oct-09 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: A request from kat- new blog posting-April 2010
Subject: RE: BS: A request from kat - in the home stretch
Wow, kat, if thread titles are sending you into a tizzy, then things are more serious than I thought. Time to ask your doc to change your medications to something that won't cause such a high level of anxiety. No, don't ask him -- tell him.

True confessions time: I find that cartoons for young children are relaxing for me when I'm on edge. The soft colors, simple songs and cute characters calm me, and the problems faced by the characters are simple and always solved by the happy ending of the show. If you have cable, try tuning in to the Nick Jr. channel. If not, borrow some videos/DVD's at your local library or buy 'em cheap at a thrift store.

Awwww, you've got baby alpacas nearby in your neighborhood? Lucky you!