The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124348   Message #2752143
Posted By: GUEST,Pierre Le Chapeau
24-Oct-09 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: Beer & Folking @ Kings Arms,Upnor, Kent
Subject: RE: Beer & Folking @ Kings Arms,Upnor, Kent
My Cat Sammy has a very bad Fractured Pelvis.
Which ment at the time of the accident that his back end floped down sideways onto the floor and he had to drag himself with his front paws.
He was operated on last Thurday night spent the weekend in the vets and came home last Tuesday. he is now standing but not for long periods and if you have to pick him up which one finds one self doing repeatedly he screams the house down.

But you have to pick him up because he gets himself into positions whereby he cannot move and one has no alturnative.
He is on Painkillers and the claws in his front paws which were all broken or snapped off will grow back again & mend in time. The vet has asured me that Sammy with heal in time but it will take a long time.