The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124597   Message #2752868
26-Oct-09 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: A tribute to a dog!
Subject: RE: BS: A tribute to a dog!
Something has gone seriously wrong here !

Our dog bears absolutely no relation to the one described in the final paragraph.

She's always where she shouldn't be. Turn you back for a second and your sandwiches are gone. She rips the post and papers to pieces. If you tell her off - she barks back at you. We bought her a flashing collar so we (and the horses) could see her in the dark (across the fields when we're getting the horses in), she managed to get it off, and I spent 10 mins calling to an empty collar (she was in the car). And she growls and wags her tail at the same time - very confusing.

However, she is the most beautiful border collie, who knows wellies from shoes and car keys from house keys, and because of her I have absolutely no fear of being at the stables at 5.00am on a pitch black winter morning, because I know she will hear anyone before I do and will not let anyone near me when its dark.

Her name's Fly and she's the best dog in the world. (in my opinion!)