The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124570   Message #2753509
Posted By: Azizi
27-Oct-09 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: Rebel Flag meaning
Subject: RE: Rebel Flag meaning
I'm posting these comments in this public thread instead of in a private message to MtheGM because I'm writing them for him and for others besides him.

I believe you mean well, but please don't post comments such as "Look away, Azizi!" when using that racial slur. Also please don't post comments such as "I wonder what Azizi thinks about this" as has also been done when talking about racism or the use of that word.

It is difficult enough being the only self-described Person of Color who regularly posts on Mudcat without such comments.

I have looked racism in the eye many times, and I will comment about racism on Mudcat threads when I chose to. Your writing "Look away, Azizi" does not mean that I'll look away and doesn't mean that I won't still cringe when I read that "n word". Many-but not all- Black people and other People of Color have said & have written that that slur is offensive and makes us cringe when we hear or read it, regardless of the race/ethncicity of the person/s using it.

However, I would hope that it is not just People of Color who consider that word to be offensive. And I hope that it's not just People of Color who recognize that working for a time when race is just a valueless descriptor benefits us all.

Mudcat would be a richer forum if there were more members who are People of Color and Mudcat would be a richer forum if those persons who publicly acknowledged their racial identity at least some of the time. In my opinion, comments such as yours, Michael, no matter how well meaning they are, help make this forum less attractive to Black people and to other People of Color.