The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114861   Message #2754149
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Oct-09 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kucinich on the Bailout - interesting!
Subject: RE: BS: Kucinich on the Bailout - interesting!

I have met a good many Muslims from Iran, Pakistan, Trinidad, Egypt, and many other places, and I have found them generally to be just as well, if not better educated than North Americans. I have found them to be just as modern in their attitudes as we are, and I am happy to say that many of them are good friends of mine.

The problems in the world are not caused by the ordinary population, most of whom are good people. They are caused by a very small number of politicians and big business people for the most part...and why? For money, that's why.