The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124673   Message #2754657
29-Oct-09 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Silly Signs on Vehicles
Subject: BS: Silly Signs on Vehicles
This one has probably been done a million times, but it made me laugh this morning.

At the traffic lights, on red, the E.ON landrover in fron of the with the sign saying 'If I stop - can you'. Well evidently I can, as we're both stationary at the traffice lights. So tempting to jump out of my car and bang on his door and say 'yes! I can stop, I'm right behind you'.

And the other one I see day after day, on the backs of lorries 'hows my driving? call 0800 ***********'. Yes while I'm following you at 50mph along the M5 I'll just get out a pen and paper and write down the number and give you a call from my mobile !

Just who thinks these things up?