The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124666   Message #2755172
Posted By: akenaton
29-Oct-09 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: The problem at Mudcat? Moderated thread
Subject: RE: BS: The problem at Mudcat? Moderated thread
The real reason there is such hostility to the BNP, is that it contradicts the mantra of "liberalism".....seeemple!

People have become so politicised that every aspect of their lives has to be categorised as liberal or illiberal, this applies especially to how we think.

Mr Griffin made a telling point on BBC television, referring to his unease about followers of Islam demanding the implimentation of Sharia law,special Islamic schools..... and the erosion of British culture in general, he stated that he had never harmed any Muslim and was against our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Labour government by contrast (he singled out Mr Straw), had the blood of over a million Muslim men women and children on their hands.

Who are the evil ones? to think that the muslim population of Britain are eroding British culture in some way worse than being instrumental in the slaughter of a million Muslims in their own country?

Why do we not turn our energy and wrath on the it because we are all complicit? We knew that something smelt bad about Blair and the New Labour project...they weren't what we voted for, but they had power and knew how to hang on to it and most of us went along for the ride.

Now we have sussed Blair and his cronies, as I have been saying for years we want them gone...Brown Straw Hoon Blair all the gang who remind us that we did not protest strongly enough, that we did not drag them from their lairs and put an end to them..... but we have not yet sussed the ethos which allowed them to practice their deception for so many years and still makes many of us look past the guilty for some more convenient scapegoats......Ake