The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124666   Message #2755550
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
30-Oct-09 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: The problem at Mudcat? Moderated thread
Subject: RE: BS: The problem at Mudcat? Moderated thread
I found this thread last night quite odd. First I started by standing up for regular Christians, who get a bad rap due to the behavior of a few extremists. From this point I was criticised for using what I (rightly) assumed to be a conventional abbreviation of Christian, then attacked for Brit-bashing, then accused of being a Troll when responding with a silly reply to someone who was themselves supposedly only "messing around", then criticised again for using the prior conventional abbreviation after I'd already apologised, then barracked and preached at for using 'christian' as an adjective (the use of which may of course be readily found in the dictionary).
From this, I'm rather tempted to echo some of SharonA's thoughts...

"Murkan" is quite a new one on me, I assumed it was a play on 'mirkin'.

Otherwise, as to "Brit" I can't abide it either! Only lager-louts tend to call themselves "Brit", y'know the ones with shaven heads wearing war paint - like members of the BNP in fact.
I prefer to refer to myself as English, and I come from the UK *

* Gnu, I aughta probably confess at this point, that I don't actually come from Inner-Space. I do however have a silly sense of humour, and as VTam stated you liked to mess about..