The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98566   Message #2757599
Posted By: Jim Dixon
01-Nov-09 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Bright Blue Planet (Pat Cooksey)
Subject: Lyr Add: A BRIGHT BLUE PLANET (Pat Cooksey)
Here are the lyrics, copied from Pat's web site:

Pat Crooksey

We are sailors on life's ocean, we are riders of the storm
Since the day our ship weighed anchor on the day that we were born
Always searching the horizon, as the past we leave behind
Some are following the dreamer, some are following the blind.

When we were young, we dreamed of better days
But now are dreams they are faded in the past
And now we see, the true reality
A world divided by religion, creed, and class
In a world of war and greed, so many children cry in need
Why can't we see, what's meant to be, and do it Differently
It's not so hard to see.

A bright blue planet, spinning in the universe
Enough for all, if we could learn to care
Both black and white, this world of ours would be alright
If we could only ever learn to share
I'm weary, but I try, to understand the reason why
We're created, but seem fated, to destroy or race
Alone in time and space.

I can't believe what others in this world perceive
The only heaven I believe in's here and now
I've seen enough to know, there's nowhere else that we can go
We have to change, or re- arrange our world somehow
If we believe in hell, then it's here on earth as well
For so many it's the only life they'll ever know
We've gone and made it so.

A bright blue planet, spinning in the universe
What's meant to be, why can't we see
Why can't we let it be.

© Pat Cooksey 2006