The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124570   Message #2758938
Posted By: Bobert
03-Nov-09 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: Rebel Flag meaning
Subject: RE: Rebel Flag meaning
I had this same discussion, if you will, with a fgellow musican who thought it was okay to have a confederate flag on his guitar... When I pointed out to him that people were offended by it it was removed... Some folks just don't have the sensitivity to know that they are offedning others... This isn't a "liberal" or conservative" or a "moderate" viewpoint... It is an observation I have made by living in the South and knowing one heck of a lot of black people... Ya' ever wonder why you don't see the confederate flag on black folks cars??? Political correctness, my butt... It's insensitive, borish and rude...

The exception being Civil (which it wasn't) War battlefields, museums, etc...

But not in front of folk's houses... Not on the back of their cars and trucks... Not on their motorcyle jackets... And not tatooed on their arms...
