The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24176   Message #275915
Posted By: Turtle
11-Aug-00 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: We plough and sow...
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: We plough and sow...
The Martin Carthy version has always felt more stirring & even martial to me than depressing.

Anglo, you don't have music for this, with the parts written out, do you? or a tape with the parts separated out? I'm serious about trying to talk Spices (women's a cappella singing ensemble I sing with) into doing this, and it would be a challenge for me to sort out all the parts from the tape I have of Martin Carthy. I'd be happy to send you a tape, pay postage, cook you a fine dinner in return (I'm a great cook, she said modestly)--name your price!