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Thread #124808   Message #2759160
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
04-Nov-09 - 02:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Don, Your assumption that I am trying to stomp the civil rights of others, is indeed, incorrect. Personally, I disagree with Christian political activism, nor am I in much 'agreement' with any religious denominations. Jesus himself said, for all those even interested, to "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of Caesar". I'm sure your Lutheran Bible has that quote. It means, to be wary of religious, and political worlds.

That being said, the thread is about a homosexual activist, who was found guilty of some rather extreme paedophilia crimes against, not only children, but even of infants! I think even you can agree that, in this case, and even in others, that there is no call to recognize it as anything other, that a perverted crime against humanity, and not to make allowances, for a bias, toward this homosexual, just for the cause of homosexuality.

Jesus also said, "Whomever offends one of these(referring to children), it would be better to place a millstone around his neck, and..." I should assume you know the rest.

I mention this because of your reference to being a Lutheran, and a Christian, I take it.

Now that that has been said, not all who see homosexuality as 'wrong', immoral, or a destructive element, are necessarily, basing it on a 'religious' belief....(such as Ake). But, because of the other thread, that turned into a circus of mindless political activism over truth, one could easily assume, that there was some 'unfinished business', that perhaps hasn't been resolved. Nonetheless, lets agree, that in this thread, to stay on topic...okay?..Regards, GfS