The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124676   Message #2759267
Posted By: GUEST,Doc Rowe
04-Nov-09 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Brian Krengle [Robin Hoods Bay FC](Oct 2009)
Subject: RE: Obit: Brian Krengle RIP (Oct 2009)
Have just learned that Brian's funeral is due to take place on Monday 16th of November at Scarborough Crematorium at 2pm (time subject to final confirmation). Also this piece by Jim Foster which will tell a little more of poor Brian's death.


People throughout the world of folk music have been saddened to hear about the tragic death of Brian Krengel, of Robin Hood's Bay. Brian, a proud son of Burnley, was well known and respected for both his singing (he had an incredible repertoire of songs) and his songwriting. A founder member of Robin Hood's Bay Folk Club in the 1970's, Brian, who had twice beaten off cancer, was a regular attender up to early autumn this year, when the Alzheimers that he had been suffering from for several years seemed to worsen.
A major search and rescue operation involving police, dogs, Coastguards and an RAF Sea King helicopter was carried out in Robin Hood's Bay on Wednesday 28th October after Brian was reported missing. After an extensive search a body was found at the base of the cliff. It was winched up by the helicopter and later identified as being that of Brian. He was 79.
Brian will be remembered with affection by all the Bay Folk Club regulars and many of the visitors. At one of his last appearances at the Club he arrived sporting a Burnley Football strip – he was proud they had made it to the Premier League – and had just enjoyed a memorable victory over Man U.
We will be thinking of him when the Christmas Season comes around, and we "sip a little nectar from the black thorn tree."