The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124808   Message #2759557
Posted By: Don Firth
04-Nov-09 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
GfS, 'tis said that "Even the Devil quotes Scripture."

I have yet to find a bigot who wasn't able to quote vast quantities of the Bible to support his or her position. Invariably, however, the Scripture they chose to quote is taken out of context and combined with other verses, also taken out of context, in a convoluted effort to try to make the Bible appear to support some totally outrageous idea that is not remotely endorsed by Judaism and/or Christianity. Everything from Millenialists and Rapture nuts to serial killers to hate-mongers. And bigots. Especially bigots.

Also, knowing the history of how the Bible was put together in the first place, then edited and fiddled with by bishops, abbeys, and scribes, I know that one is on very thin ice when on tries to claim that the Bible is "the inerrant word of God." Obviously, therefore, I am not a Fundamentalist.

Don't try to get into a religious argument with me, GfS. I'm one of the few people who have actually read the Bible all the way through, not just hopping from verse to disconnected verse like a frog with the hiccups. And if it's something I'm not sure about, I can telephone any or all of six Lutheran pastors, a couple of Baptists, a Methodist, a couple of Episcopalians, and a Catholic priest and ask. When someone is trying to con me, I know it.

Don Firth

P. S. Also, I recognize Ake's feeble attempt to repeat the canard that all homosexuals are pedophiles. This is a favorite bit of misinformation that homophobes have either bought themselves in their self-chosen ignorance, or even knowing that it's not the case, are trying to get others to believe. Not to mention your particular hobby-horse from previous threads that same-sex orientation is a matter of choice (long since disproved) rather that an inborn predisposition.

I also know why you have a vested interest in that position.