The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124791   Message #2759984
05-Nov-09 - 06:22 AM
Thread Name: Searching Staff....Is this right?
Subject: RE: Searching Staff....Is this right?
I will contribute, though I fear it will be unpopular.

If you are made aware of the conditions of your employment before you accept the position, ie staff will be subject to random searches etc, then dont complain if after starting, those condition are imposed. You knew before you started - you didnt have to take the job.

If practices are started after you have commenced employment and you are completely certain and have proof that they have been instigated without prior consultation, you have two choices - fight it (with the proper legal representation) or leave.

If you choose to fight be prepared to be extremely unpopular and for your worklife to made a misery. Is the fight worth it.

Whether this is morally wrong or right, is another matter.

Many employers have little or no respect for staff. They dont have to, there are many people out there who would willingly fill the vacancy, if someone decides to walk. Its not right but it is the world we live in - the real world.

We can all take the moral high-ground and say this is wrong and we shall rise up and fight the rich man - but dont forget while we're rising up and fighting, we still have to pay the mortgage and put food on the table and that and only that is the main concern of many people.

As for the retail world, my son is looking for a job in his gap year and talking to him and his friends, random searches of staff in high street shops are not uncommon. His opinion is, if I've nothing to hide its not a problem - live with it.

- As for tea breaks, sorry, I dont see what that has to do with staff searches.