The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124808   Message #2760521
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
05-Nov-09 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Don:'No, GtS, just because you can't find your own butt with both hands and an copy of Grey's Anatomy doesn't mean it isn't there.'

Mr.Firth, I did not attack you in any way, nor made crude comments concerning you in any way. Matter of fact, you're the one who came out swinging at me, unprovoked. I think a gentleman, at your age, should know better. Perhaps showing a better example of decency, in a forum, or in any public arena, of exchanging ideas, might present yourself, as a little more convincing, that you might have something of value to add.
Nonetheless, Regards,..GfS