The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124791   Message #2760641
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-Nov-09 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: Searching Staff....Is this right?
Subject: RE: Searching Staff....Is this right?
"Searching of employees is nothing new."

That does not make it right.

What happened to your husband was downright disgusting and deeply worrying.

They should not be allowed to have these contracts in the first place, and that is what should be being discussed by unions.

Who are these control freaks who distrust everyone and everything?

We are all becoming more and more controlled and it's happening because we are allowing it to happen.

Boots told me they have a guide book telling employees exactly what will happen during a search.

Again, that does not make it right.

It is morally wrong.

They have had the absolute shite put up them, as I've told them I'm going to the press about companies who force people to sign these contracts if they want to get the job...and people are 'forced', not physically, but mentally.

It is wrong.

It is way past time that the British Workforce stood up to bullying, control freak employers and told them exactly what to do with their 'searches'....