The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124791   Message #2760673
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-Nov-09 - 05:50 AM
Thread Name: Searching Staff....Is this right?
Subject: RE: Searching Staff....Is this right?
No, it doesn't.

I used to WORK for that family chain, GW, and if you'd read my earlier posts you'd see that it was very different back then.

Trust has gone, because Loyalty has gone.

Again, if you look after your staff and see that without them your business cannot grow as you would like it to, then your staff will look after you too.

If you make them sign contracts stating that you have the right to body search them, bag search them, etc...then they are already feeling resentment towards that company.

Yes, people still carry on working for companies like this because they *have* to, to pay the bills etc...but already the employer is on a losing streak, because his workforce will not be giving of their best. Why should they?   They get crap wages, crap treatment, crap trust...

Everything has broken down...and it's broken down because of GREED!

It's broken down because of the bean counters who sit there and say..."Hey, if we stop giving our staff a paid break and a drink, then we can make even MORE disgusting profits to stash away!"

And THAT is what is so terribly wrong about all of this.

Last week, that store took in over £250,000....and yet they charge their staff for a cup of tea?????????

Oh, purleeeeeeeeeze!!!

Life was once about pleasure, not profit.   It was about great places to work, sincere and loyal workforces who loved where they worked...

But Scrooge came in and taught a whole new lesson...and unlike A Christmas Carol, we so far do not have a happy ending.

We are going back to the Days of Dickens.....

It all stinks.