The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124791   Message #2760704
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-Nov-09 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: Searching Staff....Is this right?
Subject: RE: Searching Staff....Is this right?
No, we didn't.

I worked for Boots, I worked for most of the major department stores in London, I worked for private chemists, I worked in Harley Street, I worked in Upper Wimpole St, I worked in The National Trust, and in none of these places was I ever searched, or ever asked to sign a contract stating that I would allow it.

Some places did, but they were in the minority.

The minority is now becoming the majority and if you are happy to put up with that, are contributing to the way things are going.

Staff, particularly those in the retail trade, are now treated like shite, in many places.

I recall John Tams saying on The Reckoning...."Who will tow the line...?"

Who indeed?

Because it seems to me that we have turned into a nation, into a world of yellow bellied twits who roll over and agree to anything and everything that bully boy Scrooge employers want to dish out...


Of course, I could tell you that the Edukashon System and the crazy political correctness have a great deal to do with this..but there are those on here who now feel it's their right to tell me to write my replies as 'they' feel fit....Well, I've been there, done that, been bullied half senseless with those who sought to control the way I write, whilst never ever demanding that they write the way I dictated.

Treating staff like shite is wrong. Period.