The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124364   Message #2761161
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
06-Nov-09 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: England My England
Subject: RE: England My England
I have only been here three years less, Paul. My parents were both very caring as were my Granparents who were, however, 1 Russian, 1 Polish, 1 English and 1 Welsh and my perceptions are equaly coloured. You have it right when you say History is a set of opinions. We were not there so we simply don't know. but go on to say To pronounce that one view or another is inaccurate is inappropriate. which sort of contradicts the former. In light of what you say everyones view is coloured by their experience and therefore inaccurate to anyone but themselves, surely. In light of the discussion it is neither inaccurate nor inappropriate to say the views, and even the 'facts' (GB Shaw is English!), quoted in the song are inaccurate by any standards.

Which, hopefuly, brings us back on track to views, coloured or otherwise, of the song:-) I believe it is trite and misleading jingoism. Others believe it to be not so. So be it. Let the debate continue!
