The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24221   Message #276162
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Aug-00 - 11:55 PM
Thread Name: Women's Issues in Folk Performing?
Subject: RE: Women's Issues in Folk Performing?
Margaret - I'm sure we all see everything through a "filter of assumptions". Feminists do that too. I'm certainly well aware that I do.

It is not so important to determine whether something is "sexist", as to determine whether it is true. And whether it is helpful. Things that are helpful to all of us are preferable to things that help a few at the expense of many...or many at the expense of a few.

If men were to form interest groups called "masculinists", I would avoid them like the plague. Do you follow me?

It is entirely evident in nature that female animals in a given species act quite differently from the male animals in a number of ways, both obvious and subtle. This is very beneficial for all concerned. Ditto for human beings. Any political movement which attempts to deny all forms of innate gender characteristic in people is some kind of artificial dogma that has decided to force reality into its mould. You see that sort of thing happen in very extreme political systems whose intention is not to liberate, but to enslave people. Certain forms of Communism, for example...or certain cults here and there.

Men sometimes treat women badly, women sometimes treat men badly...I've seen plenty of examples of both. Men treat other men badly and women treat other women badly. These are not sexist issues, they're human issues.

We are presently at the tail end of a patriarchal phase in civilization that has lasted several thousand (maybe even 15 thousand)years. There was a long matriarchal period that preceded it, but we have only slight information about that, passed on through very old traditions, and kept alive by such groups as Wicca.

I believe we are on the cusp of a whole new phase, where man and woman will be equal partners...not the same...but equal. Together we hold up the sky. I hope I live to see it blossom forth, because that will be the best thing yet seen upon this planet.

These are the best answers I can give you tonight.

Best wishes,
