The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124808   Message #2761973
Posted By: Spleen Cringe
08-Nov-09 - 05:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
The problem with this "liberal fascist" concept is that it can be used as a knee jerk response to anyone who doesn't hold with a homophobic (in the case of this thread) agenda. It seems that if we are to take it seriously, we shouldn't express opinions on anything. It's hard not to cry "foul" when someone makes sweeping and hurtful generalisations about a whole sector of society. For me this isn't about liberalism or conservatism (I'm neither), it's about countering some of the hateful things being that are being said about all gay men (c/f Ake's list of their supposed flaws). In that sense my response to such comments is about loyalty to those of my friends who are gay. If that makes me a "liberal fascist" I'd sooner be called that than to crap on my friends, who hold the same abhorrence for paedophilia I do.