The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17898   Message #276268
Posted By: Abby Sale
12-Aug-00 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: happy?
Subject: happy?


           A 1552 Scottish act banned the printing of "ballads, songs, and
           blasphemous rhymes without license" enhanced by a 1567 act
           criminalizing failure to destroy such on sight.  Finally, "Upon
           the twelth day of August, one William Trumbill and William
           Scott was hanged at the cross of Sterling for making of certain ballads,
           which were thought able to sow discord amongst the nobility.  And
           this was thought a new precedent, seeing none had been executed
           for the like before."

[From a note dated 1579, quoted in
Edward Ives, The Bonny Earl of Murray]