The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124927   Message #2762983
Posted By: Tootler
09-Nov-09 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: Why does the song end like this?-Young Billy Brown
Subject: RE: Why does the song end like this?
Those of you who are complaining of the ending and what the heroin of the song should have said are looking at this song through our 21st century eyes.

You need to remember that this song (and others like it) comes from a time when the only "career" open to a respectable woman was marriage. A woman having an illegitimate child would lose her status in society and would most likely be sent away in disgrace. The heroin was really hoping that should the man come back, he will do the decent thing and marry her, thus giving her a proper place in local society and scolding him is a sure fire way of making sure he won't marry her, so she is forced to act otherwise, whatever she may think.

Remember also, that respectability was often more important than anything and love in our modern sense often did not enter into the equation when it came to marriage.

As L P Hartley wrote at the beginning of the Go Between. "The past is another country. They do things differently there"