The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124915   Message #2763626
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
10-Nov-09 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: Remembrance Sunday (UK)
Subject: Lyr Add: LANGEMARCK (George Papavgeris)
© Copyright George Papavgeris, November 2003

The guard never changes in Langemarck
Four figures that quiet and motionless stand
No guns, only helmets they hold in their hand
To show their respect
The Langemarck Guardians will never forget.
The guard never changes in Langemarck
Their faces in sombre expression are set
And is it just mourning or is is it regret
But they cannot speak
Their thoughts are a secret that never will leak.

It's never too busy in Langemarck
The visits from home getting fewer each year
Their faces get younger, there's hardly a tear
It seems such a shame
Only granite and metal remembers their name.
And all is in order in Langemarck
Not one of the crosses dares move out of line
And all of the names there in sequence you'll find
But isn't it strange
That even in death the roll-call hasn't changed.

There's fourty-four thousand in Langemarck
Though clever design gives a feeling of peace
Yet still you will find here no welcome release
But only the proof
That generals' dreams are the curse of the youth
As you stroll among graves in Langemarck
And even though you are the only one there
The back of your neck feels a following stare
Though they have no eyes
The look of the Guardians is colder than ice.

But guilt is not buried in Langemarck
Just those born one side of the border
Who just had to follow an order
In Flanders to finish their days.
And friendships are easy in Langemarck
In one grave the sons of eight mothers
Before death unknown to each other
But friends in their final embrace.