The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124791   Message #2763745
10-Nov-09 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: Searching Staff....Is this right?
Subject: RE: Searching Staff....Is this right?
I've been speaking to colleagues and friends ref breaks and lunch. Nobody I know says part-time workers are treated the same as full time staff and why should they.

I work from 8.00am until 5.00pm and get breaks and my lunch. Why should someone working a fraction of that time get the same perks as me. You want the same breaks - do the same hours as the full time staff.

But back to the main point, what do you do Lizzie when you see someone stealing from you. Your hard earned property. You ask them to empty their pockets and they say 'no' - search them or let them walk away laughing.

Everybody go and shop at Lizzies, she'll let you fill your pockets and walk away no questions asked !!