The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124915   Message #2764296
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
11-Nov-09 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: Remembrance Sunday (UK)
Subject: RE: Remembrance Sunday (UK)
""too stupid to know that it was the wrong war.""

""were led like sheep for a false cause.""

""Like comic Henny Pennies they rushed around and got killed protecting us from a non existant threat.""

Please point out my references to:-

1. Stupidity
2. Sheep
3. Comic Henny Pennies

Elsewise keep your big mouth shut till you have something sensible to say. That should keep you quiet till about 2020.

My adverse coments were all about the politicos, and all I said about the soldiers was that they carried out "THEIR DUTIES AS THEY WERE SWORN TO DO WHEN THEY JOINED."

What is there of disrespect in that statement?

You seem to feel that you have some right to impose your own terms and opinions on the members of this forum.


Don T.