The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24296   Message #276431
Posted By: Joe Offer
12-Aug-00 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: How do I get in from home?
Subject: Cookie Reset
Boy, I'll tell ya, our Wyoming chapter (Sorcha and Kat) have learned well. Pene and I couldn't give better advice.
However, Dave, if you still have trouble, click on my name below and send me an e-mail, and I'll talk you through resetting your cookie on your home computer. It brings up an inportant point - we'd like to ask everyone to have only one membership. That saves a lot of confusion. If you have a second membership, let me know, and I'll mark the second one (inactive) so people don't get confused (we can't delete memberships). You can access your Mudcat membership on as many computers as you like. Just go to "Quick Links" or "membership" and click on the reset cookie link. Be sure to go to Membership and log out if you've put your cookie on a computer you won't be using again. You can also use "logout" to delete any corrupted Mudcat cookies that may be on your computer, or if some other Mudcatter has been using your computer and has left your cookie there. If you have one computer at work and one at home and one at Grandma's house, you can access your Mudcat membership from all three computers, and you can leave your cookie on all three computers (unless you're afraid that Grandma will read your personal messages and post vicious flames, masquerading as you, therby defiling your reputation).

Dammit, Grandma, I told you not to do that!
-Joe Offer (click to e-mail)-