The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124915   Message #2764601
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
12-Nov-09 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: Remembrance Sunday (UK)
Subject: RE: Remembrance Sunday (UK)
The idea of servicemen misled by politicians may apply to Germany in both World Wars. They were encouraged to believe that they had a right to invade and dominate other nations by virtue of their innate superiority.
The British people did not need persuading that resisting cruel and agressive invaders was the right thing to do, and politicians own sons joined the fight.
That belief persisted even in 1940 when defeat seemed inevitable and they could only hope to go down fighting.
Both my parents joined the RAF at the outbreak of war. When the entire nation busting might of the Luftwaffe was concentrated on a few airfield in Southern England, my mum and dad quietly did their jobs amid the carnage.
To say that they were tricked into it by politicos is absurd.
To suggest that they joined for the joy of killing is disgusting.
And of course my folks were unexceptional.