The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125001   Message #2764676
Posted By: mandotim
12-Nov-09 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: Sting calls X Factor Karaoke
Subject: RE: Sting calls X Factor Karaoke
Wav; what does your xenophobic comment above have to do with this thread? It's about the music business, not the cultural purity or otherwise of Sting's oeuvre. Time to up your medication I suspect.
Back on topic: I think Sting was saying something important about how the whole music market is being skewed by the likes of Cowell and his cronies, making it ever harder for those with real talent and originality to get gigs, record deals and publicity   . In short, making it almost impossible to make a living from a musical career unless you conform to the pulp stereotypes promoted on the x factor. There is a limited amount of disposable income available to spend on music, and a disproportionate amount is hoovered up by the promoters of tv talent shows.