The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2764701
Posted By: Bobert
12-Nov-09 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
What you been smokin', LH???

Ain't you up on the theory of "paradox of value"???

Amos is right... You are hanging onto a Lyndon LaRouche isde that in oder for money to have value it has to have some backing... That went out with Columbus... No offense, mind you...

Okay, think about it this way... You and Don Juan been out in the desert contimplatin'/meditatin' rocks and stuff and you come outta a deep session and Don Juan is no where to be found and you are lost in the desert... All you have is the clothes yer wearing and two dollars...

After two days wanderin' in the desert you come upon a vendor who has a little sdtand set up out there in the desert and all he is selling is water and gold... 2 bucks for a gallon of water... 2 bucks for an ounce of gold...

What to buy???

This is what the gold standard was all about... It was even more smoke and mirrors than the current sytem because it implied that gold has value??? Well, yeah, I guess it has some value but compared to water, not much... But the reason that gold became the standard is because of scarcity...

Now back to the desert...

What to buy???

See, it ain't all that different if money is backed by a standard if that standard has no real practical use in man's basic needs... Not wants, but needs...

So, bottom line, it's all smoke and mirrors...

Gotta go to work now...
