The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124808   Message #2765191
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
12-Nov-09 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Amos:"GtS: your armwaving shrillness is histrionic, but it is completely unpersuasive and does not communicate. It repeatedly invokes vague generalizations and uses them antagonistically, which of course dissuades others from responding to them, or even caring what you think."

Oh Bullshit, Amos!

Lox:"By this equation we find that in addition to the human race, Computers, Cell Phones, Microwave ovens, dishwashers, and automobile fuel injection systems are intelligent.

Lox:"Which might perhaps explain some of GfS's posts."

You forgot the other important part of the quote.."Intelligence is the ability to process information. The cleaner one keeps their filter, the more information you get to process." Political stances, that overrides common sense, muddies the filters. Obstinate adherence to those views, only damages your sense of reality. The rest, after that, is just making excuses!..and trying to ennoble those faults you might not wish to correct!

From Don:"...I knew there was something "kinky" about this and I told him to leave me alone. He pulled and "Ah, gee, there's nothing wrong with this," to which I responded in a loud voice, "Get away from me or I'll call the lifeguard!!" I said it loud enough so a few other people in the pool turned and looked—including the lifeguard. The guy beat a hasty retreat and left the pool."

So, are you saying your instincts were correct? They were. So were the instincts of the paedophile, who knew it was wrong, so he ran! Note: By the way, as the topic of this thread indicates, why did he attempt to molest you, instead of your sister???

Don:...try to imply that I desperately need your counseling of any of this, as you did in the Prop 9 thread—that'll be the day!)."

It was Prop 8.

Don:"occurred, and she was terrified that something was horribly wrong with her and that she was about to die! That's not just negligent parenting, that's just downright cruel!..."

I would agree with you, in saying it was negligent parenting. Sound familiar???(From your own post in the 'Prop 8' thread!!!!)..But OF COURSE, you claim it was of " fault of my own"! Sure Don, and it sounds to me, that you've been making excuses ever since...even found a political view that you've adopted to support your acquiescence of responsibility, and guilt! How convenient. Not only that, you claim the 'gene'(which there isn't one), comes from the woman(your wife)!! Wow!

Don: "...I'm all in favor of sex education being taught in school. This, of course implies that what is taught is age-appropriate and is taught by teachers competent to teach the subject."

Well I'm all in favor of having sex education come from the parents, as part of NURTURING their children. It worked for me! Both from my parents, and then onto my children. (Part of that 'responsibility' thing, that you claimed to missed out on, from NO FAULT, of course, of your own. Sounds like lame excuse making, for being lame!!

Oh, by the way, that wasn't even my best shot, that you invited me to take. I'm still being 'polite', as I mentioned before. Don't get angry, instead, reflect, and be honest with yourself, before you launder your guilt for your inadequacies, through the guise of liberal 'political correctness'!!!!

Jacqui C:"I married four times, none of those marriages were made in order to procreate. Much as I love them, my children were the result of ignorance on my part as my parents did not give me any sex education at home and this was in the days before it started being given in schools."

Do you mean to convince anyone that after 'four marriages', you are still blaming your parents????!!??? Let's try this, Being as women claim to have the innate corner on intuition(woman's intuition), what was so important to you, that you overrode you're God given intuitions???? pick such losers...or,.. perhaps you can't keep a man? It's one or the other. So you might consider that(and you don't need to respond here online), BEFORE you attempt to explain life's mysteries. So, what do a lot of women do? Start spouting off about 'woman's rights'. Let me clue you in, and I do so in support of your plight, your 'rights', make a lonely companion!

Regards, to all, Oh, and to Paco O'Hitler(interesting name), Hell, if this isn't homage to the blues, what is??????

Regards, GfS