The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120107   Message #2765275
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
13-Nov-09 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
WAVism for Beginniners

WAVism is a philosophy of a Totalitarian World Order founded on the idea that the world has to be somehow Nice and Multicultural and that the only way to achieve this is to segregate all nations and ethnicities in a programme of mass repatriation and ethnic cleansing overseen by a New World Order WAVists refer to as The United Nations With Greater Powers. Though to the rational mind WAVism is the stuff of dystopian sci-fi, the WAVist genuinely feels WAVism represents the best way forward for Humanity, complete with an emphasis on National Folk Music and Music as a National Phenomenon Within Fixed Boundaries.

In a WAVist World, only Americans will be allowed to play rock music, and the only music English people will allowed to play is Our Own Good Folk Music and, possibly, Classical Music by English Composers, though how WAVists square this with the essentially non-English nature of Classical Music from the 10th Century onwards hasn't as yet been made clear. If WAVists accept English classical composers, then why not English rock composers? And what of such distinctly non-American popular musical phenomena as Krautrock? And what of the many English rock musicians who have been more influenced by Krautrock than American rock, yet have still managed to create a uniquely English rock music which then becomes a major influence back in America where it supposedly all began? Indeed, the unravelling of millennia of ethnic and cultural migrations, diaspora, invasion and cross-fertilisation is but one of the problems the WAVist faces when deciding upon their New World Order - let alone the inevitability of Near Total Dissidence, but people have been forced to comply at gunpoint before, so why not again? It's never been achieved on a global scale before, but there is a first time for everything!

So this is the absolute vision of WAVism's Nice Multicultural World, though what is particularly Nice about is another thing that hasn't, as yet, been made clear, especially given the pragmatics of making such a Global Totalitarianism a reality. Look at the human cost of Partition in India, which would be multiplied a million-fold at least in the ensuing migrations as populations are torn apart and people are forced to repatriate to the country of their ethnic (if not individual) origin. Still, such a holocaust would significantly reduce the Global Population - something else the WAVist has concerns about, as evident in their various Eugenic Asides which crop up every now and then. Still, when all is sorted out we will have that Nice Multicultural Wav-World with each ethnically cleansed Nation State devoted to its Indigenous Folk Culture, and policed by a Stronger UN to make sure it stays that way - there will be no Ethnic Contaminations or Cultural Recalcitrance, there will be no creativity or individualism, and, no doubt, the Human Genome will be modified to make sure that there will be no further developments; and that it will remain this way forever and ever and ever and ever...