The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124808   Message #2765441
Posted By: Don Firth
13-Nov-09 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' activists jailed for paedophilia,
Yes, you are right, GfS. Mark it down in your diary. It IS "Prop. 8," not Prop. 9. However—it was not a mistake, nor was it a typo. I knew it was an obscure reference that most people wouldn't get, but my use of "Prop. 9" alludes to "Plan 9 from Outer Space," generally considered to be the worst, stupidest, most incompetent movie ever made. So bad, in fact, that it's considered by some to be a classic.

I'm sorry if I bewildered you into believing that you had caught me in an error (which, of course, would expose me as a total dork who can't even get the simplest data right, hence, not worth listening to), but first, that you didn't get the reference is not surprising. I don't imagine a lot of people did. But that you leapt on it with such glee and simply HAD to point it out says more about you than it does about me.

And as far as my "negligent parenting" is concerned, GfS, you don't know what the hell you are talking about, which convinces me that either your claim about being a counselor is either bogus, or you are the kind of counselor who does more damage than good. You're making accusations and laying blame when you have no knowledge whatsoever of what the real situation was. Best shot? Dud ammunition!!

And as to this:   "Don't get angry, instead, reflect, and be honest with yourself, before you launder your guilt for your inadequacies, through the guise of liberal 'political correctness'!!!!"

Doesn't apply to my situation at all, but it strikes me that it might very well be you talking about yourself as far as guilt and inadequacies are concern. And especially about being honest with yourself.

You, GfS, are a very petty person.

If anyone is really interested in what GfS is accusing me of, I'll be happy to explain in detail.

Don Firth