The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125026   Message #2765645
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
13-Nov-09 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do all nurses need to have a degree?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do all nurses need to have a degree?
"Let me see the hands of everyone who wants their medications administed by a "nurse" without a degree....

I thought so."

Er...sorry sunshine, but most of us have been having **exactly** that for as long as we can remember.....and they have always done an excellent job!

"While we're at it - why should brain surgeons have a silly degree?? I would think three months in a technical school of some sort would teach them everything they need to know....."

Oh, purleeeze...!

Neuro surgeons fix brains.
Cardiac surgeons fix hearts.

Nurses.......fix PEOPLE!

This is insanity, total mind boggling, mind controlling insanity....and yes, Greg is spot on, because soon, none of us will be able to do anything without the 'correct' examination papers!


I recall Phil Beer, a very long time back, marvelling at how these days you even need to have a degree to be a lighting engineer/sound engineer/roadie etc....saying that in his day, you simply learnt this as you went along and everyone got on just fine...

WE are The New Industry, just in case folks haven't realised it yet...and it starts from when we are children, tests, exams, results, tests, exams, results...

Well, nurses have been getting those 'results' for centuries, without any bloody bits of 'official' paper..


Soon, you will need a degree to be a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker and the whole of humanity will become so stressed out and so judgemental of one another, sniffing down their noses at those who do NOT have a degree as if they are something that's crawled out from under a stone.

I have a friend who was a nurse..and boy, was she damn bloody wonderful at it. No degree, but a full Nurse's training...You know guys, that 'stuff' where nurses get to go to Nursing College and they to learn about people, about biology, about medicine, about what makes a heart tick, inside and out...and not just the bits labelled aortic and mitral valves, but the parts labelled souls too...

How disgustingly insulting to all nurses to insinuate that they have no idea what the f*ck they're doing because they don't have a Damn Degree after their name! When did we all lose the plot so badly that apparently we can no longer function without a degree after our names, because without that we are no longer whole???????????

I tell you this, there's one helluva lot of people out there WITH degrees who don't seem to know what time of day it is! They can't add up, they can't write correctly, they can't even seem to form a proper sentence when they talk. I know this is because they have taken The Dumbed Down Degree where you only need to have around 40% to pass, but really....have we all become SO stupid as to believe that Nurses can't nurse without a degree?????????????????????

Beam me up, Scottie!