The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124270   Message #2765667
Posted By: GUEST,Chris
13-Nov-09 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Who or what is or are Snopes?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Who or what is or are Snopes?
Snopes are two people - man and wife, who opened a site on urban legends and with a fury worked hard on discrediting them , for which they deserve a praise. What happened later is unprecedented. Raised up to an incredible heights (at least in their own minds) they started to become an authority IN EVERYTHING.I am a scientist and a professional engineer.I have lived physics and electronics for 40 years of my life. I used to work with a guy who was a mechanical engineer and tried to discredit me in many subjects - using Snopes.One day I have written a letter to Mr.Mikkelson (one of snopes) and received , to say the least , unpleasant answer. Their knowledge of physics and electronics is so miniscule that I was shocked. They fight God , science ,knowledge ,progress and all that is connected with achieving any education on any subject. They also publish fragments of other sites - not credible and stupid.On a top of it they copyright all the copied material. In my opinion they should stick to urban legends , mostly because they they composed most of them and started circulating them on Internet , only to discredit them lates as someone elses.Knowledge means being humble, because ony those who posess a great knowledge realize how little they know.This is not a case with Snopes.They know everything! Be smart and use sites of Universities and all other educational institutions and steer away from those egomaniacs.