The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7966   Message #2766749
Posted By: Rowan
15-Nov-09 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: Australian Christmas Carols
Subject: RE: Australian Christmas Carols
Even today, in periods of drought when the grazing on farms is depleted, in some areas stock will be herded along roadsides to feed on whatever remains there. That's known as "the long paddock" and I think the stockmen are still referred to as drovers in this situation.

They are indeed. The "roadsides" are usually part of the system of "Travelling Stock Reserves" (TSRs) that connect as a network across much of the three easternmost states. In the western areas of these states the width of the TSR "road" (ie, the distance between the fences) can be up to 1/2 mile but in the more densely settled areas the term TSR usually refers to a fenced paddock, up to a few acres in area, alongside the road and in which the stock are to be kept overnight so that they don't interfere with traffic in the dark.

Cheers, Rowan