The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125094   Message #2767099
Posted By: Stower
16-Nov-09 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: tech: Best programme for creating website?
Subject: BS: Best programme for creating website?
Within the next few months I will be creating a website. The last time I did this was 10 years ago, so obviously times and technology have moved on tremendously.

Could any of you recommend an easy to use programme (and give any other handy advice) on creating a website that will have all the obvious features such as links to other sites, an easy to use menu, and will:

* be secure for credit card transactions
* have a 'form' facility to people to send private messages (rather than go through email)
* have downloadable music files (probably MP3) and video files, one or two for free, the rest only downloadable upon payment (and is it possible to protect these so they cannot be copied by the purchaser to give free to their buddies?)

I'm a quick learner and would enjoy the creative challange of building a website. Some have counselled me that it is better to get a professional site builder to do it nowadays.

Advice and recommendations?